
Tips for Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Fortunately, an extraction is a standard procedure, and when people follow the dentist's recommendations, they should heal with few or…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Placing Crowns on Dental Implants

When you’re considering having dental implants surgery, you may be curious about the steps following the initial surgery of the…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Everything You Need to Know About a Dental Implant Restoration

A dental implant restoration is a great way to restore or replace teeth that are in bad shape or completely…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Dental Bonding Can Help With Chipped Teeth

Dental bonding has many uses and fixing chipped teeth is one of them. It is typically used to treat a…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Cosmetic Options for Missing Teeth from an Implant Dentist

Choosing an implant dentist is something many people do when they are in need of tooth replacement services.

Marc F Bianco DMD

A Dentist Explains Why Partial Dentures Might Be Right for You

While dental implants can become rather costly, partial dentures are a much more affordable teeth replacement solution.

Marc F Bianco DMD

A Kid Friendly Dentist in Portland Explains How Sugar Can Affect a Child’s Oral Health [Quick Guide]

Wondering why to choose a kid friendly dentist? A child's dental needs are going to differ from a parent's dental…

Marc F Bianco DMD

Can a General Dentist Administer an Orthodontics Treatment?

Orthodontics treatments involve the alteration of the teeth, the jaws, and the soft tissues that connect the two. These alterations…

Marc F Bianco DMD

4 Options for a Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is a great way to improve the way that the teeth appear. Through certain procedures, patients can…

Marc F Bianco DMD

How Enamel Shaping from a Cosmetic Dentist Can Change Your Smile

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? Enamel shaping is a great way to improve the shape of damaged, stained, or uneven…

Marc F Bianco DMD